Monday, December 23, 2013


This past month has been a struggle in adjusting, but my feelings about being here are growing to be more positive and the desire to flee home has more or less dissipated, at least until now. A wise friend reminded me that home is always ready and waiting for me when I return. Hearing this has made it easier for me focus on being present here, rather than dreaming and wondering what’s going on in all the places other than here. But the world still spins, time still turns, and home is going to change. When I was preparing to leave to come here, I would silently pray that everyone would still be here (there) when I got back. 

But the world still spins, time still turns, and home has changed.

How does one practice being present when home is hurting? I feel so called to be somewhere else, feel so called to be home (which has come to mean far more than a single place, a single person). And I would go, instantly, without hesitation, if it weren’t for the cost to fly (if only I could Apparate…). Know that although physically I am here, miles and miles away, mentally and emotionally I am reaching for you, that I am with you. I love you so much.

Go like water, come like water.